
Thank you for visiting our website.

I went to Canada to study in 2004 and spent 8 years in a city called Halifax on the east coast, then 2 years in Vancouver before returning to Japan in 2017.

I met a lot of people while I was in Canada, and they all treated me warmly and they took me to various places and gave me various experiences.

Even now, all the memories are treasures for me.

I opened airbnb in 2016 because I wanted people who visited Japan and Nikko to have as many experiences as I did back then and make wonderful memories.

We would be happy if you could spend a wonderful time with your loved ones while touring Nikko's wonderful nature and world heritage sites.

 Owner Tomoko Amemiya




オーナー:   雨宮 朋子

2004年カナダ ハリファックスにて